Pestle Puffballs
I was delighted to see some strange looking fungi tucked away under a variegated form of several garden shrubs, and at first I thought they were some kind of Boletus fungi based on the shape of the cap. I searched through several of my guide books and the nearest I could find to this species was Hazel Boletus - but it didn't seem quite right. Eventually I emailed the picture to my good friend Pat O'Reilly who is the author of the book 'Fascinated by Fungi. He could see why at first I thought it was a Boletus, but it is actually a Pestle Puffball, and when I read more from his link I could see exactly what it was. It made for some interesting reading too. This is a fungi that stands out yet can so easily be overlooked.This one had blended in so well with the rotting leaves around it and short grasses. There were actually five specimens in all. This species is commonly referred to as the 'Pestle Puffball', and from the shape I can see why. When young it is ...