Finding a leafy brain.

Candlesnuff Fungus

After the Christmas period, I decided to blow the cobwebs away and take an inland stroll around a woodland site I particularly like. I wish I had taken my binoculars as there was a nice group of Bramblings mixed in with Chaffinches along the woodland path amongst the Beech mast. However, armed with my camera, today I was just looking to do a few hours in a change of scenery for fungi.

I found some lovely specimens of Candle Snuff fungi and got some nice close up shots. In abundance on the fallen branches of Elder, was Jelly Ear fungus. Also of note was Turkey Tail, Coral Spot fungus, Birch Mazegill, Beech Jelly Disc, Root Rot and several groups of Silver-leaf Fungus.

 Leafy Brain fungus

My favourite find of the morning however had to be Leafy Brain fungus - a new one for me and quite a distinctive looking fungus. This unusual looking jelly fungus has a gelatinous soft fruit body, made up of shiny brown lobes which are wrinkled. As with other jelly fungi, when it dries it shrivels and becomes hard and crisp.

Well, the few hours this morning blew the cobwebs away, and I also found a cobweb covered in dew drops which was nice. Redwings and Fieldfares were in abundance and I felt good having been in the woods if only for a few hours. Nature and its beauty has a way of making you feel glad that you made that effort.


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