Back in September 2017, I spent three days with a friend of mine who is a guide for Spanish nature, and we covered some of the province of Malaga. I thought I would share the adventure with you particularly as this week this article featured in the Andalusia Bird Society members magazine. Enjoy!
The 1st -3rd September saw a change of scenery for me with a
visit to Malaga covering the Serrana de
Ronda area. I was guided by Peter Jones, the ABS President (who has guided me
here before). The weather was in my favour averaging around 30°. With 122 species of bird seen and 14 species
of new fauna for my list it turned out to be an excellent trip. I was picked up
by my guide Peter who previously told me that entry into the vehicle would not be
permitted unless I brought some traditional Welsh cakes with me, and without
further ado we started birding straight away visiting a nearby wetland area
just outside of the airport. The usual Little Egrets were present and Pallid
Swifts were aerial feeding. A group of Common Waxbills (a species I missed this
year on Majorca) fed in small groups at a puddle so this was to be the first
lifer for me.
On a section of the Rio Grande I added some new dragonfly and damselfly lifers for my list in the form of an Orange Drop Vein, Southern Darter, Blue Emperor, Broad Scarlet and an Epaulette Dragonfly. A Viperine Snake made its way slowly through the water channel. What a great day so far. We re-joined the main road and made our way to another dust track and followed this into a mountain area, where we stopped to enjoy great views of a 200+ migrating Bee Eaters aerial feeding with around 400 House Martins. The latter were landing in the nearby Eucalyptus trees in large groups. It was nice to see my first Linseed plants and the local trees in the mountain area consisted of Black Pines – another lifer. After some lunch in El Burgos we moved onto Serrato where we watched a juvenile Rock Bunting, Common Crossbills, Serins, the strange looking Spanish Oyster plant (a species of Thistle), and where I also added Tree Grayling and Wood White butterflies to my life list. Four Black-eared Wheatears were scurrying about on a rock outcrop and a single Cardinal Fritillary and Adonis Blue butterflies added to my ever growing life list. A Common Redstart darted down into cover and out of sight, but a Dartford Warbler flew past looking quite dark as it too flitted into cover. The good wildlife prompted out some Welsh cakes to nibble on.
Peter stopped to show me the different species of Oak to be
found in close proximity which included Quercus rotundifolia (with its round
leaves), Quercus Ilex (with its prickly leaves) and Quercus caraiensis. I was
surprised to learn that what looked like the same species of Oak were actually
several different species - and all in such close proximity. As we descended
back down the valley we watched a juvenile Bonelli’s Eagle over a distant
escarpment, and the first Iberian Grey Shrike of the trip flew off from a fence
post. A Black Wheatear was a nice surprise and the first of many, and in a nearby
field a juvenile ringtail Montagu’s Harrier was hunting – what a beautiful
looking bird. It settled down onto the ground eventually but was some distance
away. Peter took the opportunity to tell me of the fantastic Montagu’s projects
the ABS are involved in. A juvenile Woodchat Shrike and Thekla Larks ended a
great first day. It was lovely to be back in such beautiful surroundings.
Short-toed Eagle surveying its territory. 
Day 2 started off
equally well this time in Liber (after a lovely simple breakfast of Tortosa de
Tomate) washed down with a beautiful cup of coffee -what a great way to start
the day. We began watching Spotless Starlings, and masses of Griffon Vultures
circling on the warm morning thermals. Crag Martins, a female Black Redstart, a
Booted Eagle, Rock Doves (of the pure wild form), a family group of Blue Rock
Thrushes and a singing Spectacled Warbler all added to a great bird list. Heading
towards the Grazellama area we passed the crimson bark of freshly cut Cork Oaks,
and alongside a field we counted over 30 Rock Sparrows. It was good to see the
tradition of using the bark for wine bottle corks, and the cutting process
causes no ill effect to the trees which simply grow back fresh bark which
darkens with age. Further along the road a Melodious Warbler flew past and an
Osprey was sat in a dead tree in a nearby reservoir. A roadside stop at La
Gargante Verde gave us a large group of circling Honey Buzzards, gaining height
before continuing on their journey to Africa for the winter. It was great to
watch this group circling, and the more we looked the more we could see. What
an inspiring experience. A Small Copper butterfly drifted gently past and as we
drove higher along the twisting mountain road we passed the seed heads of
Verbascum and watched more migrating Bee Eaters overhead before reaching a very
special group of trees.
We stopped to admire the endemic and pre-glacial Pinseppo
Pines. These magnificent trees have cones that actually grow upwards, and even
the pine needles are angled to ensure the rain and morning dew falls onto the
branch stem to help nourish the tree. What an impressive looking tree. At a
nearby water trough we stopped to watch the local mountain birds coming down to
drink which included a juvenile (and one adult) male Rock Buntings, Blue Tits, Great
Tits, Serin and a Bonelli’s Warbler. We were only about twenty foot away from
this trough, yet the birds descended to drink and bathe without a care in the
world. Another stop near a pool area gave us Clouded Yellow butterflies,
Stripe-necked Terrapins and a female Cirl Bunting.
This took us to lunch where a beautifully cooked Spanish
omelette and some Olives on the side tasted divine, washed down with an ice
cold beer (or was it two)? After lunch the excitement continued with a Scarce
Swallowtail butterfly being a lifer for me, along with another Cardinal
Fritillary and a Short-toed Eagle. A Large Tortoiseshell butterfly (another
lifer) flew quickly past but we could not relocate it. Another Iberian Grey
Shrike, a Hoof Fungus growing from the side of a Holm Oak and a pair of
Southern Darter dragonflies all showed well. For me, it is not just about seeing the birds,
but the majestic beauty of the landscape and the array of flora all have their
interests to me, and coupled with great food and lovely people, the whole
experience comes into its own.
Driving through open country we passed fields of Sunflowers
and contrary to popular belief, they don’t bow their heads in the full Sun,
they actually turn their heads away. Quite unusual when you realise what the
plant is doing. More Black Wheatears were seen along this road along with
Crested Larks and a good number of brightly coloured Stonechats. Another stop
off gave us a Short-toed Treecreeper calling and a Honey Buzzard which passed
right over our heads. The strong sunlight shone down through its wings giving
it a beautiful appearance.
Iberian Chiffchaff and a Short-toed Treecreeper at the water feeding station.
The beautiful and common Jay 
My final day saw
my adventure continue with guide Peter this time around the Serrana de Ronda
area and minus the Welsh cakes. The glorious weather continued making for some
lovely sunlit escarpments and good strong light for bird watching. Breakfast
was going to be later this morning, as Peter had a surprise lined up for me,
and as it happens, turned out to be one of my most memorable birding
experiences. For me, the best part of this magical trip was a surprise visit to
a mountain pool area which had been constructed by Pieter Verheij to attract
the woodland birds down to drink and bathe, and ensuring they had a ready
supply of water. And what a show I was in for.
As I sat in a well-constructed hide, Peter went outside to
open the covers revealing two way glass. This was going to be ideal to watch
the birds without disturbing them, and right on cue the first of the visitors
arrived. Blue and Great Tits were joined by Blackbirds and then wow – a Short
Toed Treecreeper, right there on a branch and then going in for a bathe. The
species kept coming and coming, and to my amazement I was soon watching Iberian
Chiffchaff, Melodious Warbler, Bonelli’s Warbler, a female Pied Flycatcher and
a female Common Redstart. A small group of Bee Eaters passed low down but
didn’t linger and surprisingly a Tawny Owl began hooting away. Nuthatches,
Sardinian Warblers, Jay, Chaffinches and Wrens all appeared in turn and a
Common Whitethroat seemed to be on edge – possibly due to the male Sparrowhawk
that had whizzed through a little earlier?
A Spotted Flycatcher flew past and as we watched, a male
Subalpine Warbler arrived to take a bath. What an absolutely wonderful
experience seeing so many birds and some great species up close. My thanks to
Peter for pulling that one out of the bag.
We headed off for some late breakfast, watching a Honey Buzzard
and a Common Buzzard along the way. At Canetti Real we watched Swallows,
Crested Larks, Thekla Larks, four Blue Rock Thrushes on the rocks together,
Griffon Vultures, a Fan-tailed Warbler that stayed hidden away in a Tamarisk,
Stonechats, Collard Doves, a Red-rumped Swallow, another Bonelli’s Warbler, a
Tree Grayling butterfly, juvenile Woodchat Shrike, a Scarce Swallowtail
butterfly, Willow Warbler and a flock of nine Corn Buntings. A Squirting
Cucumber plant was a lifer for me. After lunch in Campillos we headed down to
one of the lagoons which had a good mix of birds including Black-winged Stilts,
six Black-tailed Godwits, Shoveler, Kentish Plovers, Marsh Harrier, Coot,
Common Pochard, several Black-necked Grebes and White-headed Ducks, Little
Grebe, Greenshank, Ruff, Red-crested Pochards and a pair of Common Snipe which
were huddled close to the base of a Tamarisk, Teal, Cettis Warbler and a
Collard Pratincole which was a nice surprise.
Several Pallid Swifts were aerial feeding and a Black Rat
squashed on the road was already attracting a number of flies. At the nearby
Laguna Dulce, a whopping 508 Greater Flamingo’s awaited us, along with several
Dunlin, Common Sandpipers, a single Green Sandpiper, more Ruff and 60
Black-winged Stilts. A juvenile Spotted Redshank was totally unexpected and a
rare sight here. Gadwall, Little Stints and a Curlew Sandpiper in partial
breeding plumage were all added to the list. An Osprey made its way past quite
high up with a Marsh Harrier hunting below it, and a single Black Kite drifted
gently past. At some nearby fields we looked on the off chance for Little Bustards
bur sadly to no avail. We did have nice views of a family group of Hoopoes
Well, sadly it was coming ever closer to the time I needed
to be back at Malaga airport, so we headed off for one last coffee and a good
chin wag covering a multitude of topics. Before arriving at the airport, we
stopped off at the water area again where we watched the Waxbills on the first
day. More Common Waxbills were drinking from a puddle along with Serin and
Greenfinches. A Turtle Dove came down for a drink and as we were heading off, a
Spotted Crake calling from deep within the reeds was the last species to be
added to an awesome list of 120 birds. I also clocked up nine dragonfly and
damselflies for my life list, seven butterfly species, a species of fish and
Terrapin and several plant species. Now that’s not bad going for three days.
Peters enthusiasm not just for the birds, wildlife and
plants, but for the conservation efforts of the ABS shone through, and it was a
result of this passion and inspiring projects Peter told me about, that I
decided there and then to become a member of the ABS. My sincere thanks to
Peter Jones for some great guiding and for the company, not to mention having
to listen to my daft Welsh humour.
All pictures copyright Neville Davies.
All pictures copyright Neville Davies.
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