One Swallow does make a summer!
Saturday the 30th saw an afternoon visit to Goldcliff where I saw my first Swallow of the year. The Glossy Ibis made an appearance again and this time it showed a little closer. At one point it was wing stretching and calling which looked more like a display than a general stretch. Either way, this is a great bird to watch and is quite a character in its own right. At 55-65cm in length with a wing span of 80-95cm and a weight of around 550-650g, they are a good sized-bird. The voice is a Crow like ' kra kra ' call although they are mostly silent. Aquatic insect larvae and aquatic animals form the bulk of their diet, and there must be adequate food around the Gwent Levels as this particular bird has been frequenting the area for over a month now. The Glossy Ibis is found in its European breeding range between May and August, but individuals can turn up north and west of their normal range. They feed not necessarily close to roosting sites, so birds are often seen flying...